Our intentional healing circles, yoga and wellness offerings cultivate deeper connection within your Northern Colorado community.

Welcome to The Connection Co+Op, a space dedicated to deepening our understanding and practice of community, connection, and love.

At the Connection Co+Op, we believe in the power of community and the profound impact it has on our relationships, well-being, and the world around us. Through our diverse offerings, we invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and meaningful connections.

"The need for connection and community is primal, as fundamental as the need for air, water, and food."

- Dean Ornish

Yoga for every-body

Join us for a dynamic Yoga experience at The Connection Co+Op, where we prioritize community and connection amongst our students. We invite you to become part of our vibrant community, where you can explore the power of movement, breath, and connection in a supportive and inclusive environment.

Women’s Circles

Welcome to our sacred sisterhood, where women come together to embark on a journey of healing, connection, and empowerment. Our women's healing circle is dedicated to honoring the divine femininity within each of us, providing a nurturing environment where trauma healing, support, and connection thrive. Through our carefully crafted gatherings, we create a safe space for you to delve deep into your personal healing journey, surrounded by a community of like-minded women who understand and support you. Join us at The Connection Co+Op for this profound exploration of self-discovery, sisterhood, and reclaim your innate feminine power.

Community Events & Retreats

Community Events:
At the heart of The Connection Co+Op are our community events, carefully curated gatherings designed to foster authentic connections and create a sense of belonging. From community hikes and healing retreats to Yin the Park, our events provide opportunities to engage with your local community to cultivate connection. Our offerings serve as catalysts for forging new relationships, sparking meaningful conversations, and igniting inspiration within our vibrant community.

Women’s Healing Retreats:
At our retreat offerings we focus on women’s healing by providing space to release, recharge + reconnect to our divine femininity while exploring the cradle of Mother Earth’s backbone - the Rocky Mountains. Our intention is to create a sacred space where women can let go of limiting self beliefs, doubt + societal pressure in order to embrace their own uniqueness with full, unconditional self-love. Set against the stunning backdrop of the Rocky Mountains our retreats are a journey of personal transformation + sisterhood. We will laugh together, cry together + create intimate bonds with sisters that are sure to change your life. We enter as strangers + leave as family.



“I had never tried hot yoga before and loved the atmosphere, the energy flow and lift, as well as the cool down stretches at the end. Breathing through my nose solely was a new experience for me as well and one I'd like to try again and again. The music was perfect for the atmosphere building and kept me moving even when it got challenging. I would absolutely attend more classes, even with my hour drive to the studio.”

- MJ

Meet Shannon

Shannon Piker, the founder and owner of The Connection Co+Op, is based out of Fort Collins, Colorado. Shannon is an E-RYT 500 Yoga Alliance Certified yoga teacher with over 800 hours of training. With over a decade of training and teaching experience, Shannon's expertise in vinyasa flow, yin, hatha + restorative yoga will elevate your practice. Shannon is also a certified Woman’s Guidance Facilitator that specializes in creating a sacred space where individuals can come together to foster authentic connections while cultivating a thriving, supportive community.

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